US imposes economic sanctions on Georgia. Controversial “Russian bill” echoes

During a press conference in Tbilisi on Tuesday, US Assistant Secretary of State Jim O’Brien warned that the US could impose economic sanctions on Georgian officials. The reason was the controversial law on foreign agents, which passed despite powerful opposition in the Georgian parliament.

“If this law goes forward, it’s shoddy and undermines democracy here, and if there’s violence against peaceful protesters, we’ll see restrictions from the United States,” O’Brien said. Violators of democratic norms may include economic sanctions, both financial and visa restrictions.

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O’Brien spared no harsh words for the Georgian government, oligarch Bidzina Ivanishvili and Prime Minister Irakli Kopakitse, who portrayed the United States as the enemy and spoke of the need to break with the “global war party” they believe controls America and Europe. .

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