United States. It does not end with the abortion ban. Judge lists: contraception, same-sex marriage | World News

On Friday, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Roe vs. Wade has been guaranteeing the right to abortion since 1973. This means that the decision on this issue will be made by the authorities of the individual states – some of whom have already introduced or are about to introduce a total ban on abortion. Next introduces more restrictive laws, e.g. Pregnancy is likely to end until the sixth week of pregnancy, although many women do not even know they are pregnant at that time.

There was a recommendation in the written judgment that the Supreme Court should handle the verification of “apparently false” judgments against Chris Volt. Connecticut, Lawrence vs. Texas and Oberkefel vs. Hodges, i.e. – in cases such as the legalization of contraception, the abolition of the penal code for same-sex relationships and the establishment of same-sex marriages across the country. “We have a duty to correct the errors in these paradigms,” we read.

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Comment by Clarence Thomas Scotus

The most serious of the Supreme Court judges – the 73-year-old judge appointed by Clarence Thomas, George HW. Bush, Husband of an extreme right-wing campaigner caught up in the attack on Capitol. I wrote in detail about the Thomas couple’s activity here:

The other judges who signed the judgment revoking Roe vs. Wade is trying to make sure these rights are not compromised. “[Opinia Thomasa], Suggests that our decision calls into question the cases of Chrisvold, Eisenstadt, Lawrence and Oberkefel (…). But we can say without a doubt that there is no doubt about the abortion in this case, “said the judge.

Unfortunately, the credibility of the judges is desirable. In 2017, Neil Korsch and Brett Kavanagh said a year later that the nearly 50-year prison sentence on abortion before the Senate Judiciary Committee was a precursor and, as Kavanagh said, would come under the rule. Old resultsThat is, the judges must then adjudicate the previous decisions of the courts. Republican Senator Susan Collins, who is said to support the right to vote, insisted that Trump’s incumbent judges would not touch Rowe because they had promised not to. Today she says she was disappointed.

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Many politicians talk about fraud and perjury. Judges during the previous hearing Senate Because they were under oath. Daniel UrmanHowever, the head of law studies at Northwestern University believes the judges spoke broadly enough, refining their statements that they did not technically testify falsely.

Who are the judges, vs. Tops. Jackson’s Women’s Health Organization (i.e., Row vs. Wade ‘) – Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan and Stephen Fryer – disagreed and warned against Thomas’ words. No one today can firmly believe that the Row decision was not such a final decision. Also, Joe Biden said in a speech following the verdict that Americans would lose additional rights, such as “the right to marry whomever you want.”

What are invalid judgments of a serious judge?

Griswold Vs. Connecticut repealed 19th-century law prohibiting the use of “any drug or medical device designed to prevent pregnancy.” In 1965, the judges found that these laws violated the right to privacy. The Row Vs. Wade.

As the “Washington Post” recalls Donald Trump’s Third Judge Amy Connie vs Barrett Griswold? Declined to answer the question. Connecticut was taken exactly. It’s very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very

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At the same hearing, Roe vs. Wade is not a “super role model” and no one would dare question that (like the Brown vs. Board of Education that allowed black Americans to go to school) there is widespread agreement. “Row is not a great role model because there are no voices to break this sentence.” But that doesn’t mean it should be canceled – she said. After that she herself voted to cancel it.

Against Eisenstadt’s judgment. Baird is a very similar thing. While Chris Volt legalized the use of contraception by married couples, Eisenstad did the same in the case of unmarried couples, while legalizing extramarital affairs.

The next cases mentioned by Thomas were Lawrence vs. Texas and Oberkefel vs. Hodges. In the first case, the court found that the punishment for same-sex relationships was unconstitutional and was based on the constitutional right to privacy. The lawsuit was settled out of court in 2003, following the arrest of John Kedes Lawrence Jr., an elderly white man, by Tyrone Corner, a younger black man, in a former apartment in 1998. Corner’s jealous ex-boyfriend complained to police that there was a gun in the apartment and officers found the men Inside Flag. It was then discovered that the men were involved in an abusive act under the Immorality Act. Lawrence and Garner pleaded guilty. The case was the subject of a series of court cases, which were eventually brought before the Supreme Court. There, the regulations were declared unconstitutional and thus repealed in 13 states.

The ruling, which introduced marital equality in all U.S. states, legalized a relationship that lasted more than 20 years in Maryland with James “Jim” Oberzefel and his partner John Arthur, but it was not recognized. Ohio where they lived. Arthur suffered from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and at the terminal stage he already wanted Oberkefel to be his widow on the death certificate. John Arthur died in 2013, and Oberjeffel dedicated himself to recognizing same-sex marriage across the country. Two years later it was a success.

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The Oberjeffel case was “extreme”, but many contributed to the Supreme Court’s ruling. Inability to include both parents’ data in the child’s birth certificate, inability to adopt a partner’s children or loss of rights after moving to another state that does not recognize same-sex marriage.

Republicans want a harsher prison sentence for aiding and abetting an abortion

Abortion activists, including Nat Pronyarsic, a member of the abortion dream group, insist that a ban on abortion does not prevent or prevent the return to dangerous abortion methods with hangers and other sharp objects. Today, the basic method, is recommended Brand new Guidelines WHO, Is a pharmacological abortion. The WHO says there is no need for a doctor’s intervention or facility – abortion is only for Tula’s help.

This is why the so-called ‘abortion providers’ of the Americans are now being targeted by right-wing politicians. Subsequent states, which have introduced stricter laws banning abortion or related to it, also have bills punishing abortion aides. The bill, introduced by Republicans in Michigan, would completely ban abortion givers up to 20 years in prison and emergency contraception (so-called “after-morning” pills). In Oklahoma, abortion is punishable by up to 10 years in prison, and in Missouri, Tennessee and Utah, abortion bans contain laws punishing physicians and other abortion assistants – up to 15 years in prison if the offense results in pregnancy (rape or sexual assault).

To date, more than a hundred attorneys in the abortion-prohibiting states have signed up, declaring that they will not prosecute anyone who assists in any way, wants to have an abortion, or aborts a pregnancy. According to Fair and Just Prosecution, which began collecting signatures, attorneys have the power to attract more than 90 million people in 29 states and the District of Columbia, including nearly 30 million people in 12 states where abortion already existed or could have occurred. Completely banned.

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