Ukrainians are doing their best. “The aggressor did not reach his goal” [RELACJA NA ŻYWO]

The war in Ukraine continues. Monday marks the 817th day of the Russian invasion. In his daily evening speech, Volodymyr Zelensky provided new information on the situation at the front. – Over the past few days – a week – we have gained strong positions in the Kharkov region. At the same time, our forces are very effective in destroying the aggressors in the Donetsk sector – especially in the Chasiv Yar areas – the Ukrainian president noted. – The aggressor did not achieve the goal of dispersing our forces, thereby weakening Ukraine on a wide front from Kharkov to the Donetsk region – he added. Follow Virtualna Polska’s live coverage.

Very important information

Russian forces also shelled the town of Vovsansk, 5 km from Kharkov. According to local authorities, one person died and three others were injured.

The Russians are continuing an offensive in and around Kharkov that began last week. According to their information, they captured at least 12 Ukrainian villages.

Five more people were killed and nine wounded in two villages in the Kubiansk region. According to the head of the local government, Oleh Synehubov, the Russians fired several rocket launchers at the villages.

A second attack 20 minutes after the first attack targeted rescue teams providing aid.

– There were never soldiers here. It was Sunday and people were resting here, as well as children and pregnant women

– said policeman Jaroslaw Trofimko.


Russian attacks on Sunday in Kharkiv and Kharkiv province left at least 11 dead and dozens wounded, officials said. The Russians continue their offensive and missile attacks on Ukraine’s second largest city.


Russian attacks in the Kharkiv region killed 11 people and wounded dozens.

“Cases of fratricide are a symptomatic combination of low morale, alcohol abuse and ethnic tensions. The continued use of Storm-Z fighters on the battlefield with a criminal past and history of violence exacerbates cases of fratricide,” the statement said.

Incidents of fraternization in the Russian military have been occurring since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, and it is noteworthy that this can have dangerous consequences for civilians. In mid-August 2023, in the town of Ursuf near Mariupol, Chechen militants and Russian soldiers opened fire on each other after an argument over drinking, resulting in the deaths of 11 people, including four Russian soldiers and seven civilians.

Good to know

The second incident took place on May 5, when a soldier from the 38th Independent Motorized Rifle Brigade shot and killed five soldiers who had been drinking.

On May 5-6, at least 11 Russian soldiers were killed in domestic firefights, according to a daily intelligence update.

Don’t miss out

Low morale, alcohol abuse, ethnic tensions and the recruitment of criminals with criminal records into the Russian armed forces form a combination that makes cases of fratricide more frequent, the British Ministry of Defense said on Sunday.

– An 800-square-meter commercial and office building is on fire in Moscow, Kremlin news agency RIA Novosti reported.

Views from the Ukrainian front. A Russian armored personnel carrier was destroyed.

Current map of anti-aircraft warnings in Ukraine.

Ukrainians are doing their best.  “The aggressor did not reach his goal” [RELACJA NA ŻYWO]


In his daily evening speech, Volodymyr Zelensky provided new information on the situation at the front.

– In the last few days – a week – we have gained strong positions in Kharkov region. At the same time, our forces are very effective in destroying the aggressors in the Donetsk sector – especially in the Chasiv Yar areas – the Ukrainian president noted.

– The aggressor did not achieve the goal of dispersing our forces, thereby weakening Ukraine on a wide front from Kharkov to the Donetsk region – he added.

Volodymyr Zelensky

Volodymyr Zelensky© Eastern News | Roman Philippi

Welcome to the next installment of events related to the war in Ukraine. Let’s follow what happened earlier here.

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