Ukraine. The soldier broke the silence. He criticized the generals

Last week, the Russians broke through the front line and occupied the city center Ocheridine, and Ukrainian soldiers left the fighting area. The case caused a stir in Ukraine – the military prosecutor's office announced the launch of an investigation, and the Internet was flooded with waves of unfavorable comments.

There are also entries It was alleged that soldiers of the sect.

Ukraine. Russians occupied Ocheretine. Soldiers break the silence

As journalist Julian Roepke, writing for “Build,” noted, the entry of a soldier identifying himself as “Infantryman 115” resonated widely in the comments. The man decided to break the silence and went by the nickname “Ganispandera”. His company was “ruined”.. He previously did not speak on the matter due to his loyalty to the Ukrainian military.

“In two months in the brigade, I saw the brigadier and the commander exactly 0 times. I saw the company commander and his deputies the same number of times. They showed disrespect to the employees“- wrote the soldier. And he added “No one prepares people for warNot everyone is holding on…” “The officers are stupid and incompetent and the brigade command doesn't care about the people,” he asserted.

The publication noted that the soldier's comments suggested “a major unauthorized withdrawal of the brigade,” which, deprived of effective leadership, was unable to defend the city.

Online user “danadeim” agreed with the soldier's statements. “I can talk about these bastards because I see this (information about the Russians entering the city of Ocheritin – ed.) on the news,” he wrote. He also said, “This is my brother-in-law's army.” In turn, he described the leadership as “total corruption”. Also, “Danateam” He also hoped that more soldiers from the brigade would share their experiencesIrregularities should be exposed.

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Ukraine. Players must leave their positions. The brigade spokesperson denies this

According to information provided by the Russians, the invaders control about 75 percent. City of Ocheretine. Earlier, it was in the hands of the 115th Mechanized Brigade.

The extended control of Russian troops is indicated by drone footage showing enemy army movements. “Bild” stressed that only a small part of Ocheretine in the west and north is still under Ukrainian control.

“The command of the 115th brigade bears full responsibility for the failure to protect the city of Ocheretyne,” the news portal “ONews Ukraine” assessed. On the other hand Vadim Chorny, a spokesman for the 115th brigade, denied the media's allegations He added, “I can only say that it is not true. The unit has not given up its position.”

The German newspaper's website recalled that Russian troops had taken control of most of the two nearby villages – Novopachmutivka and Solovyovo.

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