Twitter says ‘security incident’ caused tweets on ‘private circle’ to go public

Back in April, users of the Twitter circle feature that viewed the platform exposed private tweets to strangers. Now, after nearly a month, the company has finally commented on this issue. In an email he viewed Twitter told affected users that the exposure was the result of a “security incident that occurred earlier this year.”

The company claims that the issue was “fixed immediately.” She also participated in the apology. “Twitter is committed to protecting the privacy of people who use our service, and we understand the risks an incident like this can pose and we deeply regret that this happened,” the company said. When news of exposure first started online, Including creator Theo BrownHe speculated that the problem was a result of Twitter’s failure to filter the circle’s tweets from its recommendation algorithm. Twitter hasn’t run a communications department since Elon Musk’s first round of layoffs, and the company didn’t initially acknowledge the problem.

More broadly, Twitter has dealt with an increasing number of technical issues since Musk. The billionaire has reduced the company’s workforce by at least 60 percent, ruining many of its people. During that time, Twitter struggled and created confusion about rolling out and removing features.

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