“They are surprised that they came to Poland.” Migrants have found a new way

“Rz” reported The biggest threat of illegal immigration is on the border with Belarus. However, some foreigners try to travel to Poland by air – using fake or other people’s documents.

Only in the first quarter of this year 588 such people were revealedThere were more than 300 during the same period a year ago — according to Border Patrol data for the first quarter of this year.

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Most often, they come from Athens (Greece is flooded with waves of illegal immigrants), from Kutaisi in Georgia or Abu Dhabi (in the United Arab Emirates) to Katowice, Krakow, OKC in Warsaw and Matlin airports near the capital – according to us.

Of the 588 foreigners who illegally entered Poland on scheduled flights, 472 came from outside Europe (data up to March). In turn, 116 people came from the Schengen area where they had previously entered illegally. From there they went to Poland.

Such travelers were often in possession of fake identity cards, passports or copies of EU countries’ border control stamps. or using someone else’s document or forged supporting documents to confirm the intention to enter and stay in our country – said Dagmara Bielec, spokesperson of the Nadwiślański Border Guard Branch, quoted by “Rz”.

They arrive and are surprised to find themselves in Poland

Screening selection based on so-called arrivals from the Schengen area Risk analysis. So it is almost certain that holders of fake papers will be caught. The situation is dire for thousands who force their way across the border into Belarus. There have been 16,800 such attempts this year, and in a few days in June – 400 attacks.

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