The Russian study leaves no doubt. Vladimir Putin is confident that we will win

According to a survey conducted by the Russian Public Opinion Research Center, most Russians will be ready to vote for Vladimir Putin in Sunday's presidential election. The results are similar to the Kremlin's latest expectations.

“If Presidential election It happened the following Sunday 75 percent of eligible Russians are willing to vote for Vladimir Putin” – we read the results of the study published by TASS.

Wladyslaw Dawankow from the New People's Party will receive five percent of support, compared to four percent. Nikolai Kharidonov of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and Leonid Slutsky of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia have the same support.

As analysts have stressed, the March presidential elections are aimed at boosting Vladimir Putin's faltering popularity, but will not swing in favor of the Kremlin. According to initial reports, the Kremlin believes roughly 70 percent. arrival

Awareness level of Russians regarding elections

The survey shows that “85 percent of Russians are aware of the upcoming presidential elections.” 81 percent of respondents could correctly identify the month, season and election yearAnd the remaining four are only one year.

76 percent of Russians declared participation in the upcoming elections. We read that 62 percent of respondents said they would definitely participate in the poll, and 14 percent said they would.

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Based on the study, it was evaluated Confidence in Putin rose 0.2 percentage points to 79.1%.

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The poll was conducted between January 29 and February 4 among a sample of 1,600 Russians eligible to vote.

The Federation Council plans to hold presidential elections March 17, 2024. Voting will be held for the first time on March 15, 16 and 17.

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