The Russian army is too weak to fight in the Donbass. Hundreds of Ukrainian civilians have been taken prisoner [RELACJA]

48th day of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Western nations are reviewing reports that the Russians used chemical weapons in the attack on the Azovstal plant in Mariupol. A total of 1,200 people were found in the Kiev region, Ukraine’s attorney general said. Speaking in the South Korean parliament, Zhelensky said tens of thousands of people had died so far in Mariupol. Meanwhile, Ukrainian troops talk about the last war for Mariupol. The most important information from April 12, 2022 can be found in our report minute by minute.

  • In Moscow, Vladimir Putin met with Austrian President Carl Neummer.
  • Civilians of the Ukrainian Armed Forces anticipate new attacks by the Russian military to seize eastern Ukraine.
  • “We fight hand in hand.” Ukrainian forces have no ammunition in Mariupol.
  • At least 183 children have been killed and more than 342 injured as a result of the Russian occupation of Ukraine.
  • Since the start of the war in Ukraine, Russian armed forces have lost about 19,500. Players.
  • Since February 24, 2.657 million people have come to Poland from Ukraine.
  • You will find out from April 11, 2022 >>> here <<
  • What happened on the 47th day of fighting in Ukraine? You can see the summary of the day >>> here <<

“The Ukrainian war is a coherent, intelligent and well-thought-out strategy to counter the Russians, measured using specific Russian weaknesses, which allowed the Ukrainians to remain mobile by destroying logistics. This caused great losses to the Russians Due to fatigue, and led to a victory that completely transformed the final political game of the Russian invasion in the Battle of Kiev, ”writes Philips Bayson O’Brien, a military expert and professor of strategic research at the University of St Andrews in Scotland.

A day room for children and their mothers from Ukraine was established in Gdańsk. Art and dance classes and a Polish language course are organized on the site. “PLN needs 17,000 support a month

Russian troops occupying Ukraine are strengthening their forces in the Melidopol region and in the Gershon region, according to a statement from the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

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“There are signs of strengthening the anti-aircraft defense system in the Melitopol and Ilovazsk regions” – reads the announcement. The staff expects Further attempts to capture Mariupol and Bopasna and the attack on Kuroshov. These are cities in the Donetsk region of eastern Ukraine.

We can not passively observe the suffering of Ukrainian children – the call for peace in Ukraine was sent by members of the National Coordinating Committee of Polish Children’s Associations and Communities, survivors of the German concentration camp for Polish children in Łódź, and representatives of the association. Their families.

“As a result of the Russian Federation’s invasion of Ukraine, Europe’s largest armed conflict has been raging for more than six weeks since the end of World War II. Not only Ukrainian soldiers are killed mercilessly, but also civilians. Families where fathers are forced to stay in the front are divided, and mothers with children seek deportation assistance, mainly in Poland “- this is written in the appeal sent to the PAP.

Even 300,000 square kilometers may be part of Ukrainian suppliers to check in the future.

Russians retreating into occupied territories until recently, according to the local state emergency service They left thousands of explosives. In the last few days alone, near Kiev alone, soldiers have discovered nearly 3,000 deadly traps.

Ukrainian military civilians say the Russians have not abandoned plans to completely seize Donetsk and Luhansk. For this purpose, it reunites troops assembled in the Voronezh region of Belarus and Russia.

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Michael Carpenter, the US Permanent Representative to the OSCE, told a special session of the Permanent Council of the Organization dedicated to Russia’s Missile Assault Station in Kramatorsk that the United States would make every effort to hold Russia accountable for all war crimes in Ukraine.

“It simply came to our notice then Russia has claimed responsibility for a series of missile strikes in Kramatorsk, civilian casualties in Bucza and the continued destruction of Mariupol and Karkiv.. Those responsible for these crimes should be prosecuted, Carpenter said.

Evacuation of the wounded from eastern Ukraine to Lviv.

Japan suspends new investment in Russia It has also decided to impose sanctions on 398 people and 28 Russian companies.

The New York Times published a map of the killings by Russians in Buxa.

Brazilian President Jair Bolzano released a statement in which he welcomed the first group of more than 100 refugees from Ukraine.

“We have paved the way for the humanitarian passports we have introduced: Welcome! You will be welcomed by the historic community of the largest Brazilian Ukrainians in Latin America,” was the welcome.

The Russians have captured about 1,700 Ukrainian soldiers and civilians. – Said Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Irina Versuk. Among the prisoners are 500 women – She pointed out.

According to Wereszczuk, the Russians are “insulting human dignity” by captive Ukrainians. However, our women and girls … are asked to continue to fight for our success, the Deputy Prime Minister stressed.

“We have many priests, journalists, activists and mayors imprisoned. They are in prisons, not in Ukraine, but in Kursk, Bryansk and Rostov.

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Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said the Pentagon had not yet confirmed reports that Russian forces had used chemical weapons in Mariupol, Ukraine.

“These reports, if true, are deeply concerned and reflect concerns about the potential for various insurgency control measures in Ukraine, including tear gas mixed with chemicals,” Kirby said in a statement.

The Pentagon has not confirmed reports of chemical weapons being used in Ukraine

“There are reports that Russian forces may have used chemicals in the Mariupol attack on civilians. We are working urgently with our allies to verify this information through intelligence,” said British Foreign Secretary Lis Truss.

“The war for the Donetsk and Luhansk regions will be a turning point in the war, and it will change a lot for everyone. For Ukraine, it is an opportunity to lose the opportunity to continue the occupation by defeating Russia’s military,” said Andrei, President of the Chancellor of the Exchequer of Ukraine, citing the “Ukrainian truth.”

Conflict at Donbass – a fundamental war for the West

In the next few months, the US War Research Institute (ISW) estimates that it will be difficult for Russian troops to find sufficient funds to succeed in the Donbass.

ISW announced that “military analysts and observers may find it difficult for Russia to reorganize fighting forces near Kiev and in the north of Ukraine,” CNN was quoted as saying.

The ISW recalls that before the invasion, Russia stationed about 120 tactical battalions along the border with Ukraine. A quarter of these forces are “practically incapable of fighting.” After severe losses and destruction of equipment.

48th day of the war in Ukraine. We collect the most important information for you in a minute-by-minute relationship.

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