The German Chancellor defends Angela Merkel’s policy towards Russia. However, he pointed out a mistake

President Scholes, however, has evaluated his predecessor’s energy policy towards Russia in a completely different light in recent years. “What is wrong with German economic policy is that we have over-concentrated our energy supply in Russia without creating the infrastructure needed to quickly change course in the worst case scenario,” he stressed.

As mayor of Hamburg, he recalled campaigning for the establishment of liquefied gas terminals on the north coast of Germany. “Now we need to make up for it quickly,” he pointed out.

When asked if he was wrong in his policy towards Russia, as Merkel did, Scholes said: “This is an unacceptable summary of my answer. I have always worked well with the former Chancellor and there is no reason to question this.

As the DPA recalls, in an interview a week ago, Merkel “defended her harshly critical policy on Russia” and He refused to plead guilty in the case. In an interview with the RND, published on Saturday, he also maintained this attitude towards Germany’s energy policy. “I do not believe in change through trade, but in a relationship through trade, and I believe in the world’s second largest nuclear power,” Merkel said.

Scholz also supported Merkel’s decision in 2008 that Ukraine oppose opposition to joining NATO. – The criteria for joining NATO must be met by any country wishing to join the alliance. Ukraine joins NATO Not on the agenda. Everyone knows about this, including Russian President Vladimir Putin, Scholz explained.

As Scholz noted, “Putin’s justification for his attack on Ukraine is absurd.

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