South Africa: Controversial poacher found dead of gunshot wound

The activities of Pro Hunt Africa have outraged nature lovers over the years. However, the hunter did not heed the voices of protesters against the controversial hunt. He earned a lot for a hunting lover. It costs $350 a day to hunt wild animals, $2,500 to hunt a crocodile, and a day to hunt a giraffe.

The body of Naude, 55, was found with a gunshot wound next to his pickup truck in South Africa’s Limpopo province. Police said they have no motive for the murder yet.

Two hunting rifles were found prominently in his car near the Kruger National Park. Therefore, there is no robbery in murder.

UK newspaper Metro reports that Knott was shot dead by a man who approached him after a hunter stopped his car near Mogoban after the engine overheated, according to non-profit conservation activists.

“His car engine overheated and he was shot to commemorate the execution,” the naturalist group XposeTrophyKilling wrote in a Twitter post. According to activists, the murders were carried out by two men who got out of a white Nissan pickup truck, one of whom was supposed to shoot Naudi.

“He shot him in cold blood at close range,” reported The Mirror newspaper.

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