NASA’s Curiosity rover reaches the edge of Mars where water left a buildup of debris

NASA’s Curiosity rover captured this 360-degree panoramic image while parked below the Gediz Vallis Ridge (shown…

Ancient Roman ‘dazzling glass’ contains photonic crystal tiara shaped over centuries – Ars Technica

Zoom in / A microscopic view of photonic crystals on the surface of ancient Roman glass.…

The 407-million-year-old bacteria were among the first organisms to colonize Earth

Researchers studying a collection of ancient and new fossils recently discovered that an ancient species of…

Scientists discover the skull of a giant predator long before dinosaurs existed: ScienceAlert

Dinosaurs are famous for being the most terrifying predators of prehistoric times, but a newly discovered…

A long-standing question has been answered – how mass extinctions paved the way for clams and oysters

The researchers used Bayesian analysis to study the decline of brachiopods and the rise of bivalves…

Archaeologists are losing sight of this fact because of Virgin Galactic’s most recent spaceflights

Last week, Virgin Galactic completed another flight, sending three passengers and an instructor to the edge…

Are we about to see a rare green comet light up the sky? An expert explains what to expect from Comet Nishimura

Of all the objects in the solar system, perhaps the most spectacular are the great comets…

Biological Masterpiece – Evolution made human brains behave like supercomputers

Scientists have discovered that the human brain inherently uses Bayesian inference, a statistical method that combines…

SpaceX Starlink will launch tonight from Cape Canaveral

Welcome to our space team’s live coverage of SpaceX’s Falcon 9 Starlink 6-16 mission from Cape…

A fireball collided with Jupiter, and astronomers were able to record it on video

Ko Arimatsu, an astronomer at Kyoto University in Japan, received an interesting email two weeks ago:…