School shootings in Russia. Students were jumping out of the window

School shootings in Russia. In Izhevsk, Udmurtia, the attacker shot a policeman and opened fire on students.

The attack took place at a secondary school in Izhevsk. As reported by news channels on Telegram The man in black shot a policeman and then walked towards the students.

Some children, wanting to escape the building, jumped from the windows.

Nine people were killed – five children, two bodyguards and two teachers. About 20 people were injured.

The attacker committed suicide. Services are available on site.

According to the information provided, the attacker was wearing a sweatshirt with “Nazi symbols”. He was armed with two Makarov rifles.

According to Bassa, the attacker had “hate” written on his gun magazines. The same inscription on the t-shirt had Władisław Roslakow, who executed it. Crimean Kerch school massacre In 2018.

School shootings have become frequent in Russia in recent years. Therefore, the authorities declared the so-called “Columbine Movement” a terrorist organization. In the 1990s in the United States, some attacks on educational institutions were carried out by youths who were attracted by the perpetrators of the Columbine school massacre.

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