Russia's war with Ukraine. Day 774. Live broadcast

The Russians attacked the port of Odessa with a ballistic missile

“Saturday evening…Horn again hit the Odessa region with a ballistic missile. Later in the evening, he fired a missile, probably an Iskander-M, at port infrastructure in Odessa.The Southern Defense Forces of Ukraine reported.

Due to this, a fire broke out and the firemen immediately extinguished the fire. Administrative and technical buildings were damaged and one person was injured.

ISW: Aid delays make it more difficult for Ukraine to respond to the increasing pace of Russian attacks

Institute for War Studies (ISW) researchers In their latest report, prolonged delays in US security assistance are having a particularly negative impact on the Ukrainian armed forces' ability to respond to the increasing pace of Russian mechanized attacks in eastern Ukraine.

Colonel General Oleksandr Chirsky, the supreme commander of Ukraine's armed forces, warned on April 6 that the situation was particularly difficult east of Chasiv Yar and west of Avdiivka in the Donetsk region — both fronts where Russian mechanized forces have recently intensified.

Canada announces more support for Ukraine amid US aid delay

In March, Canada sent Ukraine $2 billion in emergency budget support over time […]When the United States was unable to step up its operations and provide support to Ukraine—among other things,Canadian Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland

Freeland noted that Canadians can be proud because they are “doing everything we can to counter Russia” by supporting Ukraine in “NATO's biggest fight.”

That night the Air Force shot down 17 Russian drones

On the night of April 7, the enemy attacked Ukraine with an X-31 missile from the occupied Luhansk region, an Iskander-M missile from Crimea.

During combat operations in Kharkov, Dnipropetrovsk and Poltava regions, 17 enemy drones were shot down.

Scholes: Putin will end the war once he realizes he can't win it

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said during a meeting of European Social Democrats in Bucharest. (Russia) War in Ukraine ends as President Vladimir Putin decides to withdraw troops

– However, he will take this decision only after realizing that the war cannot be won on the battlefield – the German leader, So far, Euro 28 billion worth of military support has been provided to Ukraine.

Schales noted that Western support for Ukraine is “the key to restoring peace” in Europe.We will support her as long as needed, Sholes said.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine provided the latest data on Russian losses

In the last 24 hours, the enemy must lose among others: more than 800 soldiers.


Zelensky: Ukraine has no ammunition for attack, only for defense, it builds fortifications

In an interview with Ukrainian media, President Zelensky said that the Ukrainian army currently lacks the ammunition needed to launch a counterattack against Russian forces.

According to the president, several attempts have been made to supply weapons to Ukraine, which are fairly distributed among the brigades on the most extreme fronts.

Zelensky also said that Ukraine lacks suitable missiles and long-range weapons that could disrupt Russian counteroffensive operations.

Zelensky said Ukraine is building three levels of fortifications to defend against a possible future Russian attack. According to the President of Ukraine, 92-98% of works have been completed in some areas.

A new batch of military aid has arrived from Lithuania to Ukraine

April 5 A new batch of Lithuanian military aid has arrived in Ukraine: we have donated M577 armored vehicles,” the official account of the Ministry of National Defense of the Republic of Lithuania on the X social network site said on Saturday.

Our strategic goal is to continue to support Ukraine. The weapons and equipment that we and our partners provide make a decisive contribution to Ukraine's struggle for freedom and security throughout Europe. “We will continue to support Ukraine as long as necessary,” the Lithuanian Defense Ministry said.

Stoltenberg: Ukraine has to decide what compromises it wants to make with the Russian Federation

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has suggested that Ukraine may eventually be forced to compromise in its war with the Russian Federation, the BBC reported.

“Ukraine has to decide what compromises it is willing to make, and we have to give it the opportunity to reach an acceptable outcome at the negotiating table,” Stoltenberg said.

He said he was not calling on Ukraine to make concessions now, adding that “real peace” would be achieved “when Ukraine wins”.

Zelensky estimates how many patriotic organizations Ukraine needs to defend itself against Russia

“If the Russians continue to attack over the past month, we may not have enough missiles, and our partners know that,” the president said.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Zelensky: Turkey is not enough to be a mediator

The Ukrainian president responded to Turkey's proposals to consider itself a mediator between Kiev and Moscow. While he appreciated Turkey's help, he said Turkey alone was not enough to mediate the war.

I am grateful to President Erdogan for everything, but he must know that Turkey alone will not be enough for us as a mediator. Peace Summit format Better for us, Zelensky said.

Report of the events of April 5

Ukrainian soldier

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