Russia’s War in Ukraine Pentagon Secret Data Leak. “Putin has cancer and is undergoing chemotherapy” –

Secret Pentagon documents leaked on social media reveal that Russian dictator Vladimir Putin has cancer and is undergoing chemotherapy.

Prime Minister of Ukraine at the Pentagon. He also talks about arms exports

Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmihal, who is in the United States, met with Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin on Wednesday; Discussed among others are further deliveries to Ukraine…

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The case was reported by the German weekly Focus. RMF FM points out that the rumors about Putin’s cancer have been around for a long time and the leaked secret documents from the Pentagon confirm them. On March 5, they pointed out that Putin underwent chemotherapy.

According to “Focus”, there were Nikolai Patrushev, head of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB), and Valery Gerasimov, head of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces. A plan to topple a dictator. They intended to undermine his authority by sabotaging the Russian invasion of Ukraine. To this end, they intend to issue an order to move Russian troops to the south of the country. It should happen as planned – on March 5.

Secret documents

US newspaper The Washington Post has accessed around 300 photos of leaked classified documents from the Pentagon. They first appeared in group chat on Discord, and later on social media. The person who planted them is said to be 20-25 years old, nicknamed OG, and works at a US military base.

Investigators who specialize in social media monitoring say the documents may have circulated in private chat rooms on the platform for months. are among others on Twitter Detailed descriptions of the American training scheduleEquipment to support Ukraine, assessment of losses, US monitoring of the most important allies and strategic partners, as well as information about the participation of British volunteers in battles or skirmishes with Russia’s efforts to weaken these relations.

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