Russia’s traumatic attitude. He refuses to take the bodies of his soldiers

– The Russians do not even want to negotiate on this topic. Apparently they think the bodies of their soldiers are not worth returning to their homeland for human burial – Wereszczuk added.

– Of course, we are shocked by such atrocities even against our own people. But that will not stop our army. We are on our own land – the Deputy Minister stressed.

Losses of Russians in Ukraine

More than 11,000 soldiers were lost by the Russian military during the 11-day occupation against Ukraine, civil servants of the Ukrainian Armed Forces announced Monday, and also point to the loss of Russian equipment.

According to the Ukrainian military, these include 290 tanks, 999 armored carriers, 117 artillery, 50 rocket launchers, 46 aircraft, 68 helicopters, three watercraft and seven drones.

The Russian side is reluctant to report its losses. It has released official data only once since the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine. The Russian Defense Ministry said in an official statement on Wednesday that 498 Russian soldiers and 1,000 people had been killed in the operation since February 24, when Russia invaded Ukraine. 597 people were injured.

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