Russian attack on Ukraine. Knives hit Kiev

Russian troops attacked Kiev with ballistic missiles early Thursday morning. The capital's mayor, Vitaly Klitschko, said some fragments from the fallen missiles fell on houses. At least 10 people were injured.

A loud explosion was heard in the city. Debris fell in Sviatoshinsk, Shevchenkivsk and Podilsk districts. Emergency and medical services rushed to the site, Vitali Klitschko said on the Telegram channel.

“In Sviatoshinsk district, rocket fragments fell on a kindergarten building. Cars are burning on Shevchenkovskaya,” he wrote.

Nine bombers take off

In subsequent posts, Klitschko reported a burning apartment, debris on the company's premises, a fire on the roof of an apartment and a fire at a substation. “Four people have been injured so far. Three in Shevchenkivskaya district, one woman in Svyatoshinskaya. All of them were treated by doctors on the spot,” said the Kyiv mayor.

Subsequent reports on social media show that the number of victims of the Russian attack has risen to ten. “Two of them were taken to hospital. The others were treated at the scene,” Klitschko wrote.

Nine Russian Tu-95 strategic bombers took off from Olenia Airport in the Murmansk region between Wednesday and Thursday, the Ukrainian Air Force said. Around 3 a.m. Ukrainian time (2 a.m. in Poland), it could launch cruise missiles. The report also said that Russia used Kintzal hypersonic missiles in the attack.

30 missiles were shot down

Serhiy Popko, head of the Kyiv Municipal Military Administration, said air defenses shot down about 30 rockets, including ballistic missiles, in the city and its surroundings.

“After a pause lasting 44 days, the enemy launched another missile attack on Kiev. He used Kh-101, Kh-555 and Kh-55 cruise missiles, Tu-95MS strategic bombers and ballistic missiles launched from the territory of the Russian Federation,” he said. Bobco.

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PAP, Ukraine Pravda, Reuters

Main photo source: Alina Smutko/Reuters/Forum

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