Russia-Ukraine war. The Ukrainians sank their flag. In it they had a goal

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine [RELACJA NA ŻYWO]

Friday is the ninth day of the invasion of the territory by Russian troops Ukraine. He ordered an armed attack on his army on Thursday, February 24 Vladimir PutinThe separatist peoples in the east of the country had recognized the independence of the republics several hours earlier. Since then, bloody fighting has continued, in which Ukrainian civilians have been killed.

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Despite the superiority in numbers, the Russian army and its commanders were unable to suppress the resistance of the brave fighting Ukrainians. So far, the Russians have only been able to capture one of the largest cities south of Gershon. Near Chersoń is Mikołajów, which is defending itself against Russian invasion.

The Ukrainian ship sank. “Commander Gets Order”

However, as Russian pressure mounts, the Ukrainians are forced to abandon more resistance. This is often associated with difficult results. According to The Kiev Independent, the Ukrainian navy deliberately sunk one of its ships so that it would not get caught in the hands. Russians.

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“Hetman Sahajdaczny warship repaired on Mikolajow. According to Defense Minister Oleksij Reznikov, the commander ordered the sinking of it” We read in a post posted on Twitter. This photo has already been sent to social media in Ukraine.

The situation on the front will change a lot. The Russians continue to bomb the most important cities in Ukraine. In the morning, Russian troops opened fire with others. Nuclear power plant in Zaporizhia. It is now clear that they have controlled her.

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Source: The Give Independent

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