Russia-Ukraine war. Switzerland: Leopard tanks are not valid in Poland

“Germany Leopard 2 A4 tanks can be used freelyIt was already sold to RhineMetal twelve years ago because it is no longer needed, “the Swiss Defense Supply Bureau said in a statement.

At the same time, the Swiss government has indicated in a separate statement, however A neutral country would not allow Swiss weapons to be re-exported to conflict areasHowever, this rule does not apply to some Swiss-made parts that other countries use to make weapons.

“Switzerland cannot approve applications for the transfer of munitions made in Switzerland to Ukraine, subject to the export criteria set forth in the War Material Act and the principle of equality.” However, even if these parts or packages are later delivered to Ukraine, the munitions may still be manufactured by European defense companies in the form of individual parts or assembly packages.The Swiss government said.

Writes Reuters Some European countriesAfter supplying military equipment to Ukraine, they wanted to replenish their arsenal and applied to Switzerland for surplus supplies from the country’s armed forces.

However, the government in Bern rejected it on the grounds of neutrality. Denmark’s request to send Swiss armored carriers to UkraineSwiss refuses to re-export ammunition sent to Ukraine by Germany – as Reuters writes – Poland’s demand for a weapon made in Switzerland.

“Leopard 2 A4 tanks will not be supplied to Poland. For this they must be removed, hence the decision of Parliament” Security Supply Bureau announced.

However, two requests from Swiss companies to export single parts and assembly packages to defense companies in Germany and Italy were accepted. One related component for hand-held tank anti-weapons, the other – components for anti-aircraft weapons.

“As a rule, the Federal Council approves the export of individual parts and assembly packages, if their share in the value of the final product is below a certain limit (less than 50% for Italy or Germany). This procedure. With neutrality law,” the government said.

Swiss ground forces received the first Leopard 2 A4 In 1987; In total, order for 380 cars. 35 units were manufactured in Germany and the rest were manufactured locally under license. Tanks manufactured in Switzerland differ slightly in terms of equipment from the standard model.

Switzerland currently operates 134 Leopard 2 A4 tanks, of which more than 90 have been sold in recent years, 42 of which have been delivered for Rheinmetall. Some have been converted into engineering vehicles and the rest are in storage.

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