Russia – Ukraine. Germany – Getting Gosprom in Germany

Gasprom Germania, hitherto a German branch of the Russian Gasprom, was placed on receipt. So the German government decided. The Minister of Economy, Robert Hebeck, justified this by increasing the security of goods.

The Federal Network Agency accepts the shareholder’s role for an interim period and ensures proper management. – We are aware of the responsibility for safe gas supply that covers this task, “said Glass Mller, the agency’s chairman.

– Our goal will be to manage Gosprom Germany for the benefit of Germany and Europe. We want to take all necessary steps to ensure supply security, he said.

– This is an absolutely necessary measure that will help maintain security and public order and maintain the security of the supply – Robert Hebeck explained and assured that the safety of the supply is now guaranteed.

Gosprom Germany

Russian energy company Gasprom announced in a telegram on Friday that the Gosprom Group had closed its stake in German company Gasprom Germania GmbH and all its assets at the end of March. Dpa recalled that Gosprom Germany had other companies in the German gas industry such as the operator of Aster’s warehouses.

Gazprom Germania is responsible for the trade, transportation and storage of natural gas.

Minister Hebek at the end of March this year. Germany has made significant progress in curbing imports of Russian raw materials, including gas, since the occupation of Ukraine. As he said, gas imports from this direction were down 55 to 40 per cent at that time.

According to his estimates, Russia’s share of total imports will fall to 24 percent this summer. According to Hebeck, Germany should be completely independent of Russian supplies by the summer of 2024.

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