Russia. Explosions in Belgorod. The ammunition depot was fired upon

On Thursday evening, more explosions occurred in the Russian city of Belgorod. According to various reports, the Ukrainian side attacked an ammunition depot. This information was confirmed by the governor of the Belgorod region, Vyacheslav Kuladkov. There have been reports of an explosion in a sugar factory.

Kulatov said by telegram that the Ukrainians were responsible for the explosion.

“In the village of Belgorod Region, as a result of shelling by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, an ammunition depot exploded. According to preliminary data, there were no casualties or injuries. Residents will now be taken to a safe place. The head of the district, Vladimir Pertsev, and operational services are available,” wrote the head of the Belgorod Region.

There were also reports from local residents of explosions near a sugar factory in the village of Oktiabrsky. The Meduza portal reported in a telegram that first loud cracks were heard and then shocks were felt. Officials have yet to comment on the incident.

Belgorod is a city that has continued to explode since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

“The Belgorod region continues to be under attack from Ukraine. The yellow level of terrorist threat has been in effect in the entire region since April 11,” Russian agency RIA Novosti reported.

However, there are incidents where the Russians are to blame. On Thursday (October 13), debris from the missile most likely hit a skyscraper located a few kilometers from the city center. There are several indications that this was the result of a failed attempt to send a rocket from the S-300 system towards Kharkiv. Further Here.

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