Russia. Drone attack on Belgorod. damage governor

The governor of Russia’s Belgorod Oblast, which borders Ukraine, Vyacheslav Klatkov, confirmed reports by Russian media and Telegram channels about the drone strike on Belgorod. The official released photos of the damaged skyscraper and cars parked nearby.

A residential building in Ul. Yesenina 9 was damaged, possibly as a result of a drone strike. He wrote that the facade of the building, from the seventh to the thirteenth floor, was damaged. 15 cars parked nearby were also damaged. As a result of the attack, Klatkov announced that no one was injured.

See also: Attack on Ukraine. Live broadcast

Earlier on Sunday, the Russian Propaganda Agency and Telegram channels reported that Belgorod residents saw a drone flying over the city and heard explosions.

A damaged skyscraper in Belgorod Vyacheslav Kladkov/Telegram

Belgorod after the drone attack Kladkov/Telegram

A broken car in Belgorod Vyacheslav Kladkov/Telegram

On Sunday morning, the Russian Defense Ministry announced that it had shot down three drones on the border of the Belgorod region. Another drone – according to the ministry – was shot down in the Kursk region.

Ukrainian authorities have yet to comment on Sunday’s incident in Belgorod.

Main photo source: Vyacheslav Kladkov/Telegram

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