Ramzan Kadyrov released a video for the first time in two weeks, but it is not known when

On Sunday, a video appeared on the social networks of the Chechen dictator, in which Ramzan Kadyrov personally responded for the first time to rumors of serious health problems spread by Chechen immigrants and confirmed by Ukrainian intelligence. Earlier, Kadyrov’s last videos, which can be determined when the photos were taken, appeared on his accounts two weeks ago.

A video released Sunday afternoon shows Kadyrov walking on an asphalt path in the rain. One of the two videos released shows a building similar to Kadyrov’s residence in Grozny. According to Yandex and Gismeteo weather sites, it is raining in Grozny on Sunday. The post under the video said: “I strongly advise everyone who can’t distinguish truth from lies on the internet to get some fresh air and sort out their thoughts.” However, in the film itself, Kadyrov utters an even briefer speech, saying that he listens to the Koran and has walked many kilometers.

Rumors of Kadyrov’s rapidly deteriorating health began to circulate on Thursday evening: one such report appeared on the opposition Chechen TV channel NIYSO, which announced that Kadyrov had fallen into a coma on the night of September 15. The next day, the Ukrainian newspaper “Obozrevatiel”, citing sources from the Chechen diaspora, reported that Kadyrov had been in a coma for several days. According to the newspaper, the Chechen leader flew to Moscow, but they could not help him there. Now they are planning to send him abroad for treatment, probably to the United Arab Emirates.

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