Putin demands that “enemy” countries pay for gas in rubles

Putin quoted Reuters as saying, “Russia demands that” hostile “countries pay in rubles for the sale of gas.” The report triggered a sharp rise in gas prices in Europe and fears that such a move could exacerbate the energy crisis in the region.

According to the agency Putin He spoke during a meeting with Russian television broadcasters.

According to a statement quoted by Reuters, “Russia will continue to supply Natural gas “Putin added that changes in the amounts and prices set in the previously concluded agreements (…)” apply only to the currency of payment, which will be changed Russian ruble“.

Putin announced that the government and the central bank would have to settle for a week to convert these measures into Russian currency. Cosprom Reuters said appropriate changes to gas contracts would be ordered.

This is in violation of the terms of payment of existing contracts – Top source in the Polish government told Reuters. The person added that after the expiration of the current long-term contract at the end of this year, Poland had no intention of signing new contracts with Gazprom.

The company cited Gazprom data, which is 58 percent. Sales of natural gas to Europe and other countries are calculated in euros. The U.S. dollar is about 39 percent. Total sales, and pounds about 3 per cent.

Russian gas About 40 percent responsible. Total consumption in Europe, a Gas imports from Russia to the EU This year it was between 200 million euros and 800 million euros a day. The potential for a currency change that will disrupt this trade increased some European and British gas wholesale prices by 15-20% on Wednesday. – As Reuters noted.

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Russia has compiled a list of “hostile” countries Related to those who imposed sanctions in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

It goes with the rest of the United States, EU member states, Great Britain, Japan, Canada, Norway, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland and Ukraine. Transactions with companies in these countries require the approval of the Russian Government Commission.

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