Powerful blows fell on the Russian air force

In the three months since the invasion of Ukraine, Russian air forces have suffered a number of significant defeats. The British Ministry of Defense analyzes that this is the result of their inappropriate use of their capabilities.

“The Russian Air Force – VDV – has been heavily involved in a number of significant tactical defeats since the beginning of the Russian invasion. Attempts were made to attack Kiev via the Hostoml airport in March, halting progress on the Icy axis in April and the last successful and costly crossing of the Donets Sviersky River“- The ministry wrote in a daily intelligence update.

“Russian theory considers the inclusion of VVVs in the most demanding operations. The 45,000 WVD troops are mostly professional contract veterans who receive elite status and extra pay. Used in WDW missions, heavily armed infantry, and suffered heavy casualties during the campaign. “ – Reported in the message.

“Mixed results reflect the potential strategic mismanagement of this energy and the fact that Russia itself has failed to gain an aviation advantage. The misuse of the VVD in Ukraine shows that Putin’s significant investments in the armed forces over the past 15 years have led to an overall imbalance in the armed forces. Unexpected opposition to Ukraine and the complacency of Russian commanders led to significant losses in many elite Russian factions, “he added.

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Since the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine, Russian troops have lost nearly 29.4 thousand. Players – General staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces announced on Wednesday.

According to Ukrainian data, as of May 25, the total Russian casualties were about 29.4 thousand. People (killed, wounded, captured), as well as: 1,305 tanks, 3,213 armored vehicles, 606 artillery systems, 201 multi-rocket launchers, 93 air defense systems, 206 aircraft, 170 helicopters2,217 wheelers and tanks, 13 watercraft, 491 unmanned aerial vehicles and 112 cruise missiles.

The Russians suffered the greatest loss in the direction of Lyman, an important railway junction in Donetsk Oblast.

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