Omigron. WHO: New vaccines need to be developed

According to experts from WHO Technical Advisory Committee Composition of vaccines against Govit-19, “SARS-CoV-2 virus continues to evolve”And Omigron “probably will not be the last variant of the corona virus.”

Scientists, however, recalled it Existing vaccines protect against the severe course of COVID-19Then their performance may be less in the case Variation of Omigran.

Therefore, in their opinion, the current strategy for administering continuous doses of booster vaccines is, This will not be enough and will not solve the problem of infection.

“The corona virus strategy based on the booster doses of the original COVID-19 vaccine is unlikely to be appropriate and consistent.” – They said.

According to experts, the best solution to control the infection Development of new vaccinesThis will better prevent infection and the spread of corona virus.

“Until such vaccines become available and with the evolution of the corona virus, The composition of the current COVID-19 vaccine may need to be updatedTo provide greater protection against COVID-19 “- added.

Monday, boss koncernu Pfizer The company announced that it has started Vaccine production against the Omigron variant.

– That vaccine Will be ready in March. We have already started producing a certain amount, ‘Albert Borla told CNBC. As he noted, this product is also intended to protect against other circulatory variants of SARS-CoV-2.

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“Hopefully we will provide you with the best protection, especially against infections, hospitalization and mortality. It makes sense until you get the third dose from the current vaccines,” Borla said.

The Director also spoke about the work for multidrug vaccination Modern Stephen Boncel. Announced that The product, which is supposed to protect against Omikron, should be ready this fall.

According to the director of the World Health Organization (WHO), in the next few weeks Europe Half of Europe’s population will be affected by the Omigron variant.

– On the old continent, in the first week of 2022, it was recorded More than 7 million new COVID19 cases Dr. Hans Kluke told a news conference in Geneva. – Compared to the data from two weeks ago, this Doubling the number of new infections – Added.

At this rate, according to the Health Assessment Institute at the University of Washington (IMHE) in Seattle More than 50 percent of the population in the region (Europe) will be infected with Omicron in the next six to eight weeks Director Cluj announced.

Omigron infection wave In many countries where the variant is spreading rapidly, health systems are already being tested (…). Omikron can overload these systems in many countries – the expert stressed.

Glck also noted The new corona virus variant is spreading faster than the previous variant. He called for the introduction of all European countries It is a duty to wear masks in limited placesSend more Priority to vaccination campaigns, Including booster doses. This is especially true for those at risk of developing the disease, such as the elderly and health professionals.

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