Mozambique. The Russian ambassador was found dead in his home.

Alexander Surikov, the Russian ambassador to Mozambique, was found dead at his home. The police received information from the Russian ambassador, Yuriy Doroshenko, not to take any action regarding the autopsy.

Alexander Surikov, the Russian ambassador to Mozambique, was found dead at his home in Maputo, local media quoted on Sunday as saying.

The 68-year-old Surikov died on Saturday night under “still unexplained circumstances”, Mozambican daily “O Pais” reported. The diplomat has been on a mission in the country since 2017.

Police headquarters in Maputo announced they belatedly learned of the ambassador’s death “after the body was taken to the main municipal hospital” in the capital. When authorities learned of the diplomat’s “sudden death”, they went to the medical facility, but “the body was already deposited in the hospital mortuary,” the statement said.

Russian Consul Yuri Doroshenko was informed not to take any action regarding the post-mortem examination of the police officers who arrived at the hospital. – The police only took photographs of the body of the deceased in the morgue (…), photographs inside the residence – it was emphasized. According to Russian officials, the ambassador’s sudden death may have been the result of a stroke.

Main photo source: Facebook/EmbRusMozambique