March 22, 2022 Russia and Ukraine news

A Ukrainian military armored vehicle on a road in Kyiv, March 22 (Fadel Senna/AFP/Getty Images)

Ukrainian forces have been trying for the past few days to retake territory from the Russians, according to a senior US defense official, who described them as “Able and willing” Let’s do it.

This is the situation on the ground:

Counterattacks near the capital: It appears that a Ukrainian counterattack to the north and west of the capital has taken place Made some progressIt threatens Russian efforts to encircle Kyiv and threatens the ability of Russian forces to resupply forward units that are endangered north of the city.

Macarief Recovery: One such area is Makarev, a strategic city located 30 miles (48 kilometers) west of Kyiv. After days of fighting, Ukrainian forces collect From the city, the Ukrainian Armed Forces said in a Facebook post on Tuesday. CNN was unable to confirm this claim. Makarev suffered significant damage from the continuous Russian air strikes, with Video Show widespread damage. If the Ukrainian forces strengthen their control In Makarev, it will become difficult for Russian forces to secure the western approaches to Kiev and then push south.

North Kyiv: There are also indications that Russian forces He has suffered setbacks To the north of Kyiv in the areas that they controlled almost from the beginning of the invasion. a Brief video Geolocation by CNN showed Ukrainian forces marching into the town of Moschun, about 20 miles (35 kilometers) north of the capital. A Ukrainian drone was geolocated over the weekend show up Destruction of Russian armor in the same area.

Irpen River flood: Satellite images from Monday showed Flood increase from the Irpen River. CNN previously reported that a dam along the Dnieper River was flooding the Irbin River basin and its tributaries. The river is important for the Russian advance towards Kyiv. If the Russians could not cross it, they could not take Kyiv from the West. It is unclear how the dam began to flood: whether the Ukrainians intentionally opened the gates, or whether it was a military strike.

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Borodinka: About 12 miles (20 kilometers) north of Makarev is the town of Borodinka, which has been controlled by Russian and Chechen forces since the beginning of the campaign. If the Ukrainians She was taking Borodyanka, Russian units can be cut forward. The battlefield is volatile, and the Russians can reverse their recent losses. But if the Ukrainians took Makarev and established control over the region, the Russian positions between the city and Kiev would be compromised, hampering their goal of pushing south beyond the main east-west highway to encircle Kyiv.

Kherson and Mykolaiv: a Said a senior US defense official Ukrainians are fighting To recapture the southern city of Kherson, as well as to push the Russian forces from the northeast of Mykolaiv to reposition them south of the city. The official cautioned that the United States could not say whether the moves were part of a “bigger operational plan” by the Ukrainians or not, but described Ukraine’s defense as “agile” and “agile”.

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