Joint declaration by Duda, Macron and Scholz. Write among other things about Ukraine’s most urgent needs News from around the world

“On February 17, 2023, the President of the Republic of Poland met in Munich Polish, President of the French Republic and Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany. They reaffirmed in the strongest terms their condemnation of Russia’s unprovoked and brutal war of aggression against Ukraine, which is a clear violation of the international order based on the UN Charter. A year after the start Russia A full-scale brutal war, the leaders of the Weimar Triangle express their unwavering solidarity with Ukraine and unconditional support for Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity within internationally recognized borders and its inalienable right to self-defense against Russian aggression.

The states of the Weimar Triangle pledge to “strongly support Ukraine and its people as long as necessary.” “They call on Russia to unconditionally cease hostilities and withdraw its forces from the entire territory of Ukraine,” it said.

Meeting Ukraine’s most urgent needs

In the declaration, the three leaders reaffirmed their commitment to coordinate efforts to meet Ukraine’s urgent needs for military and defense equipment. Poland, France and Germany fully grant Ukraine the right to defend itself against Russian aggression, including by providing military and security assistance, including through the European Peace Facility and the European Union, as long as necessary. Military Assistance Mission (EUMAM).

“We are committed to implementing NATO’s new deterrence and security posture and to increasing Allied military presence in the eastern part of the alliance. Poland, France and Germany reiterate that NATO and its Article 5 commitment to mutual security are the pillars of the Euro-Atlantic. Security In this regard, the three leaders at the Versailles summit They express their shared commitment to speedy implementation of the decisions taken and the decisions in the Strategic Compass, especially regarding the strengthening of Europe’s defense technological and industrial base, as well as the increasing complementarity between European defense and NATO.

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Russia’s War Crimes Trial. Leaders write about the Hague Tribunal

Poland, France and Germany also support Ukraine’s efforts, “including the reconstruction of infrastructure destroyed as a result of Russia’s occupation, and international coordination efforts for economic restructuring and economic recovery in Ukraine”. All three leaders support maintaining and considering further sanctions against Russia to limit the war, and increasing collective pressure on Moscow, in consultation with international partners, to end Russia’s war of aggression and fully withdraw its troops and military equipment. From Ukraine.

Poland, France and Germany condemn Russia’s continued attacks on Ukrainian civilians and critical infrastructure, as well as the forced deportation of Ukrainian citizens, and reiterate that war crimes and other atrocities must go unpunished. In this regard, they fully support the investigations conducted by the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court and the Ukrainian judiciary. They welcome the efforts of the international community to consider the establishment of an appropriate mechanism for investigating the crime of aggression and the establishment in The Hague of an international center for investigating the crime of aggression against Ukraine.

The three leaders welcomed yesterday’s resolution on “The Principles of the Charter of the United Nations as the Foundation for a Comprehensive, Just and Lasting Peace in Ukraine” adopted with the overwhelming support of the international community at the Extraordinary Special Session (ESS) of the UN General Assembly.

– says the declaration.

Ukraine’s future lies in the EU and NATO

Leaders in the document expressed support A 10-point peace plan for UkraineAs a basis for further discussion and for the idea of ​​a summit on a peace formula with possible broad international participation. All three leaders agreed that Ukraine’s future lies in Europe. They acknowledged Kiev’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations and reaffirmed the importance of solidarity with Ukraine. Poland, France and Germany welcome the decision of the 2022 European Council to grant Ukraine the status of an EU candidate country and Ukraine’s efforts to introduce reforms in such difficult times. They strongly encourage this country to continue on its chosen path.

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“The Weimar Triangle will stand by Ukraine and its people as long as needed. This includes our readiness to continue to welcome and support those seeking refuge from Russian aggression. The three leaders agreed to coordinate their actions with greater intensity. And we will meet again at the Paris summit before the summer of 2023.” The declaration says.

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