Italy. Silvio Berlusconi: Forcing Ukrainians to accept demands

Silvio Berlusconi He reiterated his opposition to sending arms to Ukraine. I say sending arms means “fellow warrior.” We are at war too. We will try to end this war as soon as possible. If we send weapons, it’s better not to brag about it, he estimated.

As he stressed, peace in Ukraine “must be achieved as soon as possible.” – I believe that Europe should make a peace effort, It is trying to force the Ukrainians to accept Putin’s demands – Added.

From an economic point of view, Berlusconi said sanctions have had a “very, very bad effect” on the Russian economy, but stressed that it has hurt Italy as well.

Even in early April, Berlusconi said: “I can not and do not want to hide the fact that I am deeply disappointed and saddened by my behavior. Vladimir PutinWho has accepted the greatest responsibility for the whole world. “

– In the face of the terror of civilian massacres and real war crimes in Bucza and other Ukrainian cities, Russia cannot deny its responsibility. Instead, it must identify and judge those responsible for unacceptable behavior in a war, in accordance with law and morality, for its own benefit, “he added.

Silvio Berlusconi was Prime Minister of Italy from 1994-1995, 2001-2006 and 2008-2011. They were friends when he was in power Vladimir PutinHe invited her to his villa for a vacation Sardinia.

The 85-year-old politician recently resumed operations of his party, which was founded in 1994 Forza Italia. In an interview, he announced that he would “return to the field to ensure the future prosperity and independence of Italy”.

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