iPhone 17 Slim will be more expensive than iPhone 17 Pro Max

We’ve already heard that Apple will revamp its iPhone lineup next year, discontinuing the Plus model and launching a Slim model instead. But until now we thought the iPhone 17 Slim would be in a similar position to the Plus, only thinner.

According to a new report today, that will not be the case. Instead, the iPhone 17 Slim will be the most premium of the bunch, and therefore more expensive than the iPhone 17 Pro Max, believe it or not.

Apple seems to like thinness these days, as it recently released the thinnest device it’s ever made, the 13-inch iPad Pro, and now it seems it’s looking to slim down the iPhone as well — and in true Apple fashion, at a higher price.

Many sources have allegedly described the iPhone 17 Slim as an iPhone It is expected to be “significantly thinner” than any other iPhone before it, and may use an aluminum chassis.

The design has not been finalized yet, and it appears that Apple is still looking at several options. The dynamic island will be smaller, while the rear camera island will likely move to the middle of the phone. This report indicates that the screen size is not yet clear, although a previous rumor said that the iPhone 17 Slim screen will be smaller than the iPhone 15 Plus screen.

In case you’re wondering why the Plus model will be discontinued after this year, it’s simple – sales numbers. Instead, the new iPhone Slim could act as a halo model, attracting far more people than the Plus could.

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