How to watch this week’s rare hybrid solar eclipse

(CNN) A hybrid solar eclipse — the first in nearly 10 years — is on the way.

during this A rare celestial eventThe moon will pass between Earth and the sun in such a way that people in the narrow central eclipse path, including parts of Australia, East Timor and Indonesia, will experience either an annular or total eclipse, depending on where they are in relation to the moon.

The hybrid eclipse will begin at 10:37 p.m. ET Wednesday and last until about 1:56 a.m. ET, According to EarthSkyat greatest extent, when the moon completely covers the sun, occurs for just over 1 minute in Timor at 12:16 a.m. ET.

What makes the Eclipse Hybrid unique?

Otherwise known as Annular total eclipseHybrid eclipses are a function of the curvature of the Earth and the trajectory of the event. Because of its close proximity to the moon at that time, the moon in some areas will appear the same size as the sun—the conditions for a total eclipse to occur—while people in other locations will see the moon smaller than the sun, in an annular eclipse.

a total eclipse, created from the moon’s central and darker shadow, known as its umbra, causes a brief darkening of our sky, as the moon obscures nearly all of the sun—save for the outer fiery atmosphere—from view. Annular eclipses are caused by the moon’s shadow opposite the moon, which begins where the darkness ends, and results in a much fainter circle of light, because the moon only covers a smaller disk-like area than the sun. Both types of events appear as Partial eclipse At the beginning and at the end, due to the moon’s orbit, and also for those not in the path of the full eclipse.

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A hybrid eclipse occurs when the moon is in Just the right distance Where both canopy shade and counter shade can reach the ground. During a full eclipse, in the middle of the eclipse’s path, the antiumbra will create an annular eclipse for some and the penumbral shadow will create a total eclipse for others. As the distance ought to be in this sweet spot, and the sun and the moon to have an ever-changing distance, these ideal conditions rarely come to pass.

Dr. Michael Kirk said, “This eclipse is a little tricky, because not much of it will pass over Earth…so most people who get a chance to see the eclipse will see a partial eclipse.” The principal investigator for NASA Heliophysics Education Activation Team. “What that means is that the moon will only block part of the sun, so it will look like a bite was taken from the sun.”

A larger part of the world – those in Southeast Asia, the East Indies, Australia, the Philippines and New Zealand – will experience a partial eclipse this week, According to EarthSky.

“I don’t know about you, but I don’t think ‘Oh, I live in a solar system’ when I walk outside every day — but when you see an eclipse, you’re suddenly in that light of perspective,” Kirk said. “Although we think it is relatively constant in the sky… it is in fact the dance of the planets, the moon and the sun, and subtle changes are seen during an eclipse.”

The next hybrid eclipse is expected in 2031. But after that, the alignment and conditions needed for such an event will likely not occur again until more than 100 years later, in the year 2164, According to NASA.

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Watch the eclipse safely

During a total eclipse, there is a brief moment, totality, in which the moon completely covers the sun enough that it is safe to look out without proper eye protection. For all other eclipses, true Eclipse glasses are required to display safely.

But if you don’t have a chance to get a solar filter, there are still ways to look at it, Kirk said. He recommends a pinhole projector, which can be made by compressing a file Small hole in a piece of paper Or cardboard and lifted to the sky. With this contraption, Kirk said, you’ll see an image of the sun projected onto Earth, without having to look up.

“Seeing a total solar eclipse is what you will tell your grandkids – it’s an incredible event,” Kirk said. “Eclipses happen…the hard part is catching one where you live. If you have one in your area, you should definitely make an effort to see it because it usually takes a long time before the other.”

More eclipses to come

If you missed an eclipse this week, there will be more chances in 2023 to see one in your area.

For those in Africa, Asia and Australia, prof lunar eclipse lunar eclipse It will happen on May 5, as the Moon enters the Earth’s shadow, causing the Moon’s surface to appear dull.

If you live in North, Central or South America, you will find that Annular solar eclipse It will take place on October 14th.

On October 28, A.J Partial eclipse of the moon It will be visible to people in Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, parts of North America, and most of South America. Only a portion of the Moon will pass into the shadow, as the Earth and Moon will not fully align.

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meteor showers

The Lyrids will rain and peak this weekend, ending a month-long drought caused by a meteor shower, and the Aquariids will soon follow in May.

Here are the remaining meteor showers for 2023 and Peak dates:

• Lyrids: April 22-23

• ETA Aquarius: May 5-6

• South Delta basins: 30-31 July

• Alpha Capricornids: July 30-31

• Perseids: August 12-13

• Orionids: October 20-21

• South Torres: November 4-5

• North Torres: November 11-12

• Leonids: November 17-18

• Geminids: December 13-14

• Ursids: December 21-22

More full moons

For moon lovers, there are nine other full moons this year to watch out for. Here is a list of the remaining full moons in the year 2023, According to the Farmers Almanac:

• May 5: Flower Moon

• June 3: Strawberry Moon

• July 3: Pak Moon

• August 1: Sturgeon Moon

• August 30: Blue Moon

• September 29: Harvest Moon

• October 28: Hunter’s Moon

• November 27: Beaver Moon

• December 26: Cold Moon

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