German “Madador” grenade launchers already in Ukraine. “Putin’s tanks have a problem”

“Built” on Saturday noted that the federal government is finally removing its blindness in the matter of protecting Ukraine. “Putin’s tanks now have a real problem with German production” – the newspaper emphasizes and explains that Ukraine bought 5.1 thousand. RGW90 HH “Matador” is a modern anti-tank missile from the German arms company Dynamite Noble Defense.

Nearly half of the purchased “Matadors” (2650 units) have already arrived in Ukraine on Saturday afternoon. The remaining 2,450 brand new units will be delivered in weekly installments until the end of May – “Built” learns.

The Matador is a lightweight, 7.5 kg non-refillable rocket launcher that can be used against both armored and unarmed targets. It can penetrate up to 50 cm shield steel, which is the shield of any Russian tank. Therefore, it fits in well with Ukraine’s military tactics, which in recent weeks have relied on ambush attacks on Russian tank columns and supplies, making it more suitable for forested areas or cities – the newspaper explains.

As noted by “Built”, the Federal Office of Economic and Export Control (BAFA), authorized by the Federal Ministry of Economy, approved the arms export on Monday, March 21st. The application was submitted only on Friday, March 18th. The BAFA received approval from the Federal Security Council just hours after Economist Minister Robert Hebeck’s “green light”.

Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany Andrei Melnik, who has so far been critical of the federal government, praised the speedy resolution of the issue. “Deputy Vander Hebeck and the BAFA Ministry acted quickly and without bureaucracy. Hots off!” – Commenting on the fact that “the Central Government is finally accelerating the supply of arms to strengthen the security capabilities of Ukraine”.

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Melnik believes that “Russia will be forced to sit at the negotiating table only if Putin realizes that he is in a military stalemate.”

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