France wants to open Odessa. Volunteered to help with the grains

“We are at the disposal of the parties, so a move is underway to allow safe access to the port of Odessa and ships in spite of the sea tunnels,” Elysee Palace said.

The statement added that France wanted Ukraine to “win” the conflict with Russia. According to the AFP agency, this guarantee is in response to the doubts raised Words of President Emmanuel MacronThat Russia “should not be humiliated.”

“We want the territorial integrity of Ukraine to be restored. We want this conflict, Russia’s war against Ukraine, to end as soon as possible,” the statement said. It added that Macron would travel to Romania and Moldova next week. It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post.

Zelenskiy and Macron spoke on the phone Thursday evening. Paris assured French President Zhelensky that he was still on the side of Ukraine and would continue to provide heavy weapons to defend against Russian aggression.

Ukraine is one of the largest grain exporters in the world, mainly by sea. Russia bans Ukrainian grain exports Through the Black Sea ports, the global increase in food prices was further exacerbated. It will also cause food shortages in North Africa and the Middle East.

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