England. First case of A(H1N2)v infection in humans. New swine flu

First case of A(H1N2)v infection identified in Great Britain (chart)

Authorities in the UK have reported the first case of a man infected with the A(H1N2)v influenza strain. The pathogen infects pigs and is similar to the swine flu virus. An investigation is underway to identify the source of the infection and prevent its spread.

case A(H1N2)v virus Diagnosed as part of a routine fever check-up by a general practitioner. The patient had mild respiratory symptoms. The family doctor took a swab and after analyzing it, it turned out to be this A type of fever found in pigs.

England. A case of swine flu was detected

A(H1N2) is a subtype of swine flu that caused a pandemic in 2009. So far 50 people have been affected by the new type of flu. However, it was discovered in England Influenza A(H1N2) is expected to be a separate strain genetically distinct from the cases. identified in humans in other parts of the world.

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What’s more, according to The Telegraph, it is “very similar to possible livestock infections. Circulating in pigs in England“.

Services attempt to detect an outbreak

As the British newspaper insists, it is not yet known how the patient was infected. This may have occurred as a result Direct contact with the pigas a consequence consumption of a particular productOr from another person. Officials from the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) are investigating all these possibilities and patient contacts to find the source of the infection.

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“We are working at a rapid pace to identify close contacts Control the possible spread of the virus. In accordance with established protocols, investigations are ongoing to determine how the person was affected, and to assess whether or not. Are there any other related cases?“- said the company.

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– We know Some animal diseases are transmissible to humans. This is why high standards of animal health, welfare and biosecurity are so important, says UK Chief Veterinary Officer Christine Middlemiss.

As Reuters emphasizes, the infected patient had a mild and complete illness He has already recovered.

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