England. Boris Johnson commented on the removal of the duty to isolate victims

Saturday night through Sunday British Government Confirmed under the framework presented on Monday Johnson of the Govt-19 Life Project will announce the end of the isolation need for victims, Which is the last legal requirement in the UK and will be replaced with a recommendation. No other exact date has been mentioned except that it will happen by next weekend. He also spoke about it on Sunday Johnson In an interview with the BBC.

“It simply came to our notice thenWe must learn to live with this virus and protect ourselves without restricting our freedom. We have developed strong protection against this virus over the past two years due to the vaccine program, testing, new treatments and a better scientific understanding of what this virus can do. Thanks to our successful immunization program and the numerous people who volunteered to vaccinate, we are now able to define the plan of life. Govt“- he declared Johnson In a press release issued by his office.

– I think it is very important that we are careful. I do not want people to misunderstand this – I’m not saying we can drop the warning altogether. Govt Dangerous if you are sensitive and have not been vaccinated.

Compulsory isolation for victims has recently been reduced to a full five days in the UK, with tests at five and six days separated by a 24-hour interval if negative. According to the media, part of Z eliminates the need for isolation. Covid-19 Johnson will also announce a reduction in the number of trials And withdrawal of free screening for those without symptoms of infection. The British Prime Minister did not directly confirm this, but pointed out that there was no need to spend 2 2 billion a month on testing as there was in January.

It was reported on Saturday in the last 24 hours 34.4 thousand were found throughout Great Britain. InfectionsThis is the lowest daily balance since November 9 last year.

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