Emma returns to WWE in a SmackDown

Ronda Rousey told us last week that she planned to do an open challenge for the SmackDown Women’s Championship on this week’s episode of Friday night smackdown in St. Louis. She was going to do it last week but decided she would only do it on her own time.

New champion, new Ronda.

She downplayed the crowd, saying she didn’t expect them to appreciate it because “only greats can recognize greatness and you’re so mediocre that you don’t even know what you’re looking at.” Then she asked her opponent to appear.

That’s when Emma returned, as spoiler reports indicated she would:

As Michael Cole mentioned in the commentary, it will be five years since tomorrow Emma was released by WWE. She did some work in Ring of Honor and Impact Wrestling during her time away, and even after all this time, she’s still only 33 years old.

Plenty of time to make her second WWE run more memorable than the first.

It started here, with a title match against Rossi, who yelled at her “They don’t care about you, Emma. They don’t even remember you.” Emma looked as good as she ever did in a match like this, against an opponent like this. They had a very good TV match, in fact, with Rossi winning by submission.

Happy to see Emma again?

Get complete Smackdown Results and coverage of this week’s show over here.

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