Dmitry Medvedev posted a post in the Telegram. He writes about “manic rusophobia.”

  • The former president of Russia focused on attacking Western countries in his entry
  • Medvedev believes that the West’s plans to “re-educate” Russia, to subjugate it or to divide it will not work.
  • “Russia has enough strength to keep all the Saxon enemies of our country in their place,” he said
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The former president of Russia argues that “the behavior of Western nations towards Russia in recent years is reprehensible and immoral.” In his first entry on the Telegram channel, Medvedev focused on attacking Western countries. He said the use was more popular than “compromised known social media”.

“The raging rhetoric of the West, frankly, is not reaching the borders. Medvedev wrote.

“When it suits them, they can be blindsided by everything, including the destruction of civilians in the Donbass that has been going on for years. If there is anything against their order, it is our country’s fault,” he added.

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The rest of the text below the video.

Medvedev: We will fight for a world order that suits Russia

Medvedev believes that the West’s plans to “re-educate” Russia, to subjugate it or to divide it will not work.

“Russia has enough strength to keep all the Saxon enemies of our country in their place,” he said. “We will continue to fight for a world order that suits the Russian Federation and our citizens. There is no room for Nazis, historical lies and genocide. Moral power and historical truth are on our side,” Medvedev said. Kremlin campaign.

We remind you that the Kremlin’s recognition of the independence of Donetsk and Luhansk, the two separatist regions of Ukraine, marked the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. On February 24, the Russian leader ordered the so-called special military operation (such a brutal attack on Ukraine was put forward by the Kremlin campaign – ed.), Which practically declared war on the neighboring state.

proof’s: Telegraph

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