Diablo 4 releases some amazing beta stats

a surprise! Diablo 4 beta ended up being very, very popular. The action-RPG opened its doors to players who pre-ordered this past weekend, and an open beta was available to everyone the following weekend.

Blizzard has gone ahead and released a bunch of beta-based stats, and we’re looking at some crazy numbers here. For starters, players logged a total of 61,560,437 hours in the beta — which is mental for something that was only playable during weekends.

There have been 4.9 million player deaths, and an absurd 29.2 one billion Kill monsters. Meanwhile, the secret butcher’s chief has only been killed 567,662 times, while he managed to. butcher 1.7 million players. You must run!

Which isn’t really a surprise, but the two character classes that played a role the most were the wizard and the necromancer. The two magic-based heroes were probably the strongest classes in the beta (at least until later levels), and they were both fun to play with.

All in all, Blizzard says this was the largest beta in Diablo history, which is pretty impressive. did you participate? Let us know if Butcher got you in the comments section below.

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