Death of a Russian hunter. The bear he baked killed him

On June 9, a Russian hunter was reported missing in the Tula region of western Russia. His body was found two days later.

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Investigating the location where he was found, investigators recreated a possible version of the events. As it turned out, the hunter was mostly dead because of the predatory bear.

There was the body of a bear 50 meters away from the body of the hunter. The animal died of gunshot wounds. Both bodies were near the hunting ground. There were wounds on the hunter, which indicates that he fell down from the wounded bear.

According to investigators, the man left the sermon after he attacked the bear. The animal was revealed to be still alive. After it killed the man, it died 50 meters away.

– The hunter shot and attacked the bear from the sermon. An Interfox informant said the bear crushed him when he landed.

Sources: Interfax

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