Ban on exporting used clothing outside the EU. Anti-African Entrepreneurship

In mid-March, France, Denmark and Sweden proposed that the EU introduce a ban on the export of used clothing outside the Community. EU countries will thus comply with the principles of the Basel Convention, which prohibits the importation of certain goods and wastes.

The proposal was made by the European countries because of the problem of the pollution of parts of the African environment by the clothing used by the Europeans. A term has even been coined for this phenomenon “Garbage Colonialism”.

A proposal by France, Denmark and Sweden to restrict exports of used clothing has received Kenya's response. According to the Kenyan Association representing second-hand clothing dealers, Stopping exports would be devastating for millions of Africansincluding Kenya.

Kenya uses our clothes

The president of Kenya's Mitumba Association, which represents second-hand clothing sellers, told Reuters. Banning the export of second-hand clothes would be a blow to Kenya, which makes money through the process.

The leader also denied that clothes and materials end up in landfills Unfit to use. “No one forces us to give junk – we buy good quality clothes and if a supplier wants to sell us 'junk', we refuse,” Theresia Wairimu Njenga told Reuters.

According to the European Commission, 5.2 million tons of clothing and footwear waste are generated in Europe every year. Among other things they attacked: to the African landsSteve Jordan/AFP/East NewsEast News

At the same time, the UN Kenya welcomed nearly 178,000 people. Tons of used clothing in 2022 This amount has increased by 76% in 10 years. Ghana, Senegal and South Africa also receive large amounts of used clothing.

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Clothing of Europeans in Africa

According to data from the UN Trade Organization, the European Union will export 1.4 million tonnes of used textiles in 2022. Other data provided by the European Commission is more telling 5 million tonnes of waste Clothing and footwear products produced in Europe each year. Garbage piles are a common sight in landfills outside Europe. African countries benefit from EU garment exports.

The Danish side told the European Environment Council this week that it would export textile waste from the EU to developing countries. causing serious environmental, social and health problems.

The purpose of the inclusion of exports of used clothing in the Basel Convention is to limit or completely stop the export of used clothing from the EU. Instead, countries should promote textile recycling.

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