Andrzej Duda reveals Joe Biden’s last words in Poland

  • The President paid special attention to two reports from Joe Biden’s speech in the Royal Castle Gardens.
  • He also revealed that he paid special attention to Biden during the talks
  • Andrzej Duda was asked if Poland would supply Ukraine with F-16 fighter jets. His answer is complex
  • More important information can be found on Onet home page

– These are, after all, the recommendations of an experienced man who is the greatest power in the world today. These are very smart suggestions – Duda revealed when asked about a short conversation with the US President after the B9 summit.

– I am very grateful to President Biden for choosing Poland. He could have chosen any other NATO member state to deliver his speech, and he did so in Warsaw, the president noted.

– His speech was not only directed at one community of one country. In this case, let’s face it, it’s addressed to the entire world. It targets everyone. Everyone heard important content from Biden’s point of view, Duda assured.

PAP/Marcine Obara

Joe Biden and Andrzej Duda in Warsaw on March 22, 2023.

The Polish president also revealed what was most important to him in Biden’s speech. He reiterated that every inch of NATO ground would be defended in the event of an invasion. This is a very serious statement nowadays, it is not a joke. This is a declaration again in the last 12 months – he noted.

– Second, Biden said that Poland is important to America as America is important to Poland. This is very important, emphasized Duda.

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The rest of the article is below the video

– Joe Biden was in Ukraine two days ago, but he delivered his keynote speech in Warsaw, where it is safe. He added that this clearly shows that he has given assurances of security.

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