America. The passenger was fussing over the baby crying. He was ejected from the plane

This happened to passengers The plane flies to Orlando, Florida They were waiting in an engine at Palm Beach Airport to resume a flight that had been canceled due to bad weather.

– Please calm the child down. I didn’t scream. Do you want me to scream? – The traveler returned to the parents of the crying child.

The flight crew tried to calm the situation. The frustrated passenger shouted at the attendants “She paid for the ticket for a comfortable plane ride, but these plans were thwarted by the baby’s incessant crying.”.

“You’re yelling,” an employee told the passenger.

– Like a child! The man replied. “We’re in a tin can with a roaring baby,” he shouted.

When the flight attendant asked the troubled passenger to lower his voice, he exclaimed: “Can a child lower his voice?

Other flight attendants also tried to reason with the screaming passenger – to no avail. The man said he was “already quiet and sleeping with headphones in his ears, but he woke up crying.”

The recording takes a few minutes. throughout the film You can hear the baby crying in the background.

The man’s aggressive behavior was recorded and later posted on social media by a user named mjgrabowski.

Finally, the panicked passenger was escorted off the plane by security. The man was later seen with services at the same airport.

Orlando police did not comment. A man is not clear Punished only by law enforcement or the airline.

Southwest Airlines said in a statement He commended the crew for their professionalism and apologized to customers on board.

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