America. Former President Donald Trump appeared in court. He heard the allegations

Donald Trump appeared in court in New York, where he was arrested and later charged. This involved donating money to adult film actress Stormy Daniels in exchange for her silence during the election campaign. Trump is the first US President to be impeached.

Donald Trump’s impeachment was kept secret until the last minute. The former US president faces 34 charges, to which he has pleaded not guilty, CNN reported. The charges include falsifying accounting records and conspiracy.

Reuters reports that five photographers will be allowed into the courtroom before charges are filed. Trump’s lawyers have requested that the media be denied access. According to them, the presence of journalists and photographers will worsen the “already almost circus atmosphere”.

NBC, among others, requested permission to use the cameras. Journalists argued that this was the first time in American history that a former president of the country had been indicted.

Donald Trump accused. Meeting in court

Supporters and opponents of the former US president gathered outside the courthouse in New York. Trump sources and supporters say the case is politically motivated.

Trump will compete in the US presidential election in 2024.

See: Trump arrested. These photos are generated by artificial intelligence

Donald Trump flew from Florida to New York on Monday afternoon (US time – Red). He met with his lawyers at Trump Tower.

Straight from court, the former president is headed back to Florida, where he will brief the media upon his arrival.

Donald Trump accused. Actress in the background

Donald Trump reportedly paid adult film actress Stormy Daniels $130,000 dollars. During the 2016 election campaign, the girl had to keep quiet to avoid the revelations of their romance.

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The exact contents of the indictment will not be known until the former president is arraigned in a New York court.

Andhra News reported on Saturday Trump will be formally arrested when he appears in court.

“He will be booked like others who go on trial. But he is not expected to be handcuffed. He will have Secret Service protection and will be released almost the same day,” the AP reports.


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