After Franciszek’s words about Dugin, the apostolic envoy was summoned to the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. “Torn Heart” | News from around the world

– We carefully read the entire quote from Pope Francis and decided to call the Apostolic Delegate above all. Ministry of Foreign AffairsTo express disappointment with these words – quoted Dmytro Kuleba Ugrinform.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine invited the Apostolic Ambassador. Reason Franciszek spoke of Dugin

The Ukrainian diplomatic chief added: Ambassador Archbishop Vysvaltas Kulbokas visited the seat of the ministry on Thursday. – Honestly, the Ukrainian heart was torn by the Pope’s words. It is unfair – Kuleba said.

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On the website of the Ukrainian ministry, a message appeared about the invitation of the nuncio. Ministry of Foreign Affairs He explains that he was invited during Francis’ statement at the General Audience on August 24. As we read, Kulbokas was told that Ukraine is “deeply disappointed by the Pope’s words that falsely equate the aggressor and the victim.” The press release noted that Dukin’s remarks were made on Ukraine’s Independence Day.

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It was also emphasized that “the death of a Russian citizen on Russian territory” had nothing to do with Ukraine. “The Ministry of Foreign Affairs drew the Apostolic Nuncio’s attention to the fact that since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation, the Pope has not paid special attention to specific victims of the war, including 376 Ukrainians. ChildrenIt died at the hands of the Russian occupiers “- we read. Ministry of Foreign Affairs He emphasized that he hopes to “avoid unfair statements that cause disappointment in Ukrainian society.”

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Pope Francis “Poor Woman Blasted”

Pope Francis delivered a speech on the horrors of war on Wednesday, August 24, six months after Vladimir Putin’s invasion. He mentioned in it, among other things, that until the death of the 29-year-old daughter of pro-Kremlin ideologist Alexander Dugin. He was the guest of audience in Paul VI’s auditorium Big A group of children and youth from Ukraine.

“I think of that poor woman in Moscow who had a bomb thrown under her car seat,” he said. “Innocents pay for war, innocents,” said the Bishop of Rome.

Ukraine’s ambassador to the Holy See, Andriy Juras, noted the Pope’s words. “Today’s Pope’s speech was disappointing and made me think about many things: you cannot talk about the aggressor and the victim, the rapist and the raped in the same words,” he commented. “How to refer to one of the ideologues of Russian imperialism as an innocent victim?” – added. “She was killed by the Russians as a consecrated sacrifice, and now she is on the shield of war” – assessed the diplomat.

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The death of Daria Dukina

Daria Dukina, daughter of Alexander Dukin, was killed in Sunday’s attack. His father’s car exploded while he was driving on the road near the town of Odinkovo ​​near Moscow. The woman was killed instantly. The Ukrainian side has repeatedly claimed that it had nothing to do with Dukina’s death.

Kremlin ideologue Alexander Dugin has been talking about the destruction of Ukraine for years, which he presents as anti-Russian. He said that Moscow wants to build a “Eurasian empire from Dublin to Vladivostok”, which begins precisely with the occupation of Ukraine. Then all former Soviet republics and former socialist bloc states should join Russia. In this way, according to Dukin, Russia will become an alternative to the declining West. And, in his words, Poland is a fictitious state financed by the United States.

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Daria Dukina was also a supporter of the Eurasian ideology promoted by her father.

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