Activision removes TimTheTatman’s skin from Call of Duty

Activision has removed another player’s skin (from a game, not from their body). TimTheTatmanprominent Call of duty Streamer, he requested his launcher package be removed from Call of duty To support his friend Nickmercs, who got his skin pulled last week after he made homophobic comments. At Tim’s request, we have removed the TimTheTatman launcher package from Modern Warfare II and the war zone store,” Activision spokesperson Neil Wood wrote in an email to the edge.

TimTheTatman, who named Nickmercs an old friend, chirp that it “felt wrong” to him still having a skin in the games when Nickmercs wasn’t and asked Activision to remove his skin as well. He tweeted: “In support of my friend, please remove the TimTheTatman package.” Another FPS streamer, Dr Disrespect, has also expressed solidarity with Nickmercs by uninstall Call of duty during a broadcast.

After the skin was removed, Nickmercs apologized to people whose feelings may have been hurt, but maintained that it did not apologize for the offensive tweet nor did it remove it. in a tweet on FridayHe said he had “no hate in his heart” and thanked the people who support him. (Some of his supporters left comments on social media referring to LGBTQ+ people, including this reporter, as nannies and pedophiles to point out exactly how Nickmercs’ seemingly innocuous words, “Leave little kids alone,” have been misrepresented. To a homophobic whistle.)

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