A Ukrainian soldier was assaulted by a hotel guard in Germany

He was in Germany for rehabilitation – media reported that a Ukrainian soldier was severely beaten by a hotel security guard. The Ukrainian has a fractured skull and a concussion – he is awaiting surgery. After news of the incident was reported by Ukrainian news portals, Internet users began to rate the hotel with one star on a large scale.

According to Ukrainian media, a serious beating took place at the Rumers Hotel in Frankfurt. According to reports, the bodyguard is of Chechen origin. “The man didn’t like the soldier’s clothes when he got to the hotel bar,” says Nexta.

Ukrainian soldier attacked in Germany

It was then that an argument first broke out, and then a soldier was assaulted. In addition to a broken jaw and concussion, the Ukrainian also reportedly suffered a broken nose, numerous bruises and damaged teeth, as reported on Facebook by members of the local group.

The attack on the Ukrainian was confirmed by the Consul General of Ukraine in Frankfurt, Vadim Kostiuk, in an interview with the portal novynarnia.com.

“Military in uniform came to bar”

“On Friday evening, our soldier went to the hotel bar in his uniform. After several comments by the hotel staff and security personnel about their failure to comply with the ‘dress code’, an argument and subsequent fight ensued. As a result of the incident, our civilian suffered a broken jaw and a concussion,” Kostiuk said. .

See: War in Ukraine. Ukrainian soldier killed by Russians. The Army has identified the prisoner

According to Nexta, the attacked soldier arrived at the bar in the uniform of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

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The rating of the hotel on the internet is very low

After information about the beating of a Ukrainian soldier spread online, the hotel’s rating dropped sharply. Every hour, more users post new comments and give the place a star. The average of all ratings is now 1.5 stars.


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