A Ukrainian soldier dies in battle with “Russian rascals”. She orphaned 6 children

Information about the death of Olga Semidyanova was shared on Twitter by Inna Sowsun, Deputy Council of the Supreme Council of Ukraine.

“Olga Semidyanova, a mother of six, died in the struggle against the Russian insurgents. Despite knowing that their battalion might not survive, she expressed her desire to defend the country to the last. Ukraine’s heroine. She is my heroine.”

Ukrainian Ambassador to Estonia Marion Bets announced the death of Olga Semidyanova.

Death of a female soldier from Ukraine. “She did not die immediately, but lost blood.”

Fakt.pl reports, referring to the Ukrainian portal ukrainenews.fakty.ua, Olga Semidyanova has been fighting in the Donetsk region since 2014. He received many awards for his courage and heroism. Relatives of the soldiers admitted that a few hours before he died, he sent a bag containing the items through his friends and wrote to the children that he loved them very much.

– During the fighting, our troops retreated, and the commander ordered all the women to be sent a little further from the front, but my mother refused. Unfortunately, the enemy forces were outnumbered. My mom wore bulletproof vests and helmets […] They fired tanks, the infantry fired. My mother was shot. He died instantly, but due to blood loss, the dead woman’s daughter said he suffered a severe stomach injury.

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Sources: Twitter, Fakt.pl

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