A scandal in the French Parliament. “Racist insult” by a politician from the Marine Le Pen camp | World news

This comment caused great confusion. representatives Government And the left has unanimously said it cannot accept racial slurs. The far-right responded that de Fornas had not addressed the ambassador, but rather to the imprisoned immigrants. Boats NGO.

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A scandal in the French Parliament. National Assembly session adjourned

– Racism has no place in our democracy. The Presidium of the National Assembly will meet (Friday – Edition) and decide on the necessary fines – Prime Minister Elizabeth Bourne told reporters after the incident, Reuters agency quoted.

Marine Le Pen, leader of the far-right National Front, stood by her MP.

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“[On – red.] Of course, he was talking about transported immigrants Boats by NGOs,” Le Pen wrote on Twitter.” Controversy created by our political enemies […] They will not deceive the French,” he added.

Carlos Martens Blongo saw the whole situation quite differently. He called de Fornas’s comments “disgraceful”. – Today I was offended by my skin color. I was born in France. I am a French deputy, said the left-wing politician.

Stéphane Sejourn, who heads President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist party, said de Fornas should step down. In turn, the left-wing coalition Noobs demanded its removal principle From the National Assembly.

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Marine Le Pen fights for the image of the right

Reuters agency recalls that in recent years Le Pen has made enormous progress in “detoxifying her party’s image” and convincing voters that the National Front, accused on many occasions of inciting racism, has moved towards the conservative mainstream. Now fit for rule.

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“The National Front has shown its true colors today. […] This racist insult is characteristic of the extreme right: brand, divide the French nation according to the color of the skin,” the left-wing coalition Neubs said in a statement.

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