Ukraine and Moldova are one step closer to the EU. This is an important decision

“The European Council recognizes the European perspective of Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Georgia. The future of these countries and their citizens lies in the European Union. The Council of Europe decided to grant the status of candidate countries to the Republic of Ukraine and Moldova“- We read in the draft results quoted by PAP.

If this information is confirmed, it means that this is very good news for Ukraine and Moldova Council of Europe In the end a candidate decides about giving the country status.

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See also: See also: Ukrainian businesses continue to operate beyond the war. “This is an event in Ukraine”

The support of member states was not so obvious, as some governments, including Denmark and the Netherlands, raised objections before granting this status.

– Ukraine is satisfied with the change in the Netherlands’ position in the European Union, said Ihor Zhovkva, an adviser to President Zhelensky, in an interview with the De Volkskrant daily.

He added, “Every Ukrainian understands that Our EU candidate position is the clear dividing line between the EU and the Russian worldBetween civilization and barbarism. “

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