They were filming a show about World War II. They made a shocking discovery – o2

As part of the material preparation, divers descended to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Florida. According to the Daily Mail, the team decided to get the images from the US space agency NASA. It turned out to be a bull’s eye.

History Channel group discovery. Are these remnants of a NASA spacecraft?

NASA experts confirmed that the objects found consisted of part of the heat shield located on the nose cone of the Challenger. On January 28, 1986, the spacecraft broke up about 73 seconds after liftoff.

The cause of the accident was a damaged sealing ring in the engine of the right additional solid fuel rocket. As confirmed, they were created at the first moment of departure. At the time of the tragedy, there were a total of seven people on board – none of the astronauts survived.

As a NASA spokesperson insists, these are the first spacecraft remains to be found in 25 years. At the time of their discovery, divers were searching for the remains of an aircraft from World War II. They were to be presented as part of the documentary “Bermuda Triangle: Cursed Waters”. The premiere is scheduled for November 22 this year.

The design attracted the attention of divers as it was more than 80 years old and very modern at first glance. After the disaster, 118 tons of Challenger remains have been recovered, which is 47%. Full engine. Including – an external fuel tank.

Although nearly 37 years have passed since the day seven brave explorers lost their lives aboard the Challenger, this tragedy will forever remain etched in our nation’s collective memory. To millions around the world, myself included, January 28, 1986 seems like yesterday. The discovery gives us an opportunity to pause again for the legacy of the seven pioneers we lost and think about how this disaster changed us, said NASA’s Bill Nelson (Daily Mail).

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